Sunday, August 31, 2014

What will teaching be like in the 21st Century?

•Mr. Dancealot -
The central idea I feel like is that Mr. Dancealot does not actually teach his students since he was teaching a dance class, they should have been interacting the whole time. I feel like they should be in a ballroom the entire time learning, instead of reading out powerpoint slides. Also, it did not help students when he did the steps behind the big desk because they could not see him doing them. He never allowed them to practice to demonstrate the steps. I do not agree with him at all. I believe that all students should be interactive with their classes and not be falling asleep. If they could actually practice they would probably actually do better on their final.

•The Role of a teacher
It is Roberts that believes teaching in the 21st Century is strictly based on the technologies we have available to us. He also thinks the students to make sure they use their references, and I believe the teachers should help them by showing them how to use the different technologies. They should make sure their students understand, and can use them very easily. I do use google a lot, but there is other things I do not understand. I believe that being a future educator, it should be our job to make sure our students understand everything new we teach them. I believe in this because not all of the answers can be found on the internet.

•The Networked Student
While watching this video I realize that Wendy's proposition is the most effective way for networking by students. It is mostly about how you connect with others. People sometimes do not realize how easy it is to connect with people. It can just be the ones around you or many miles away. She uses many sources as bookmarks for later use including iTunes and Delicious. It is with these tools you see who exactly is getting effective by using these sources. I believe networking is one things that help students be more engaged in class and actually wanting to learn more. I agree with Mrs. Drexler, when you build connections it helps you with more sources that you probably did not know about. Also, when you have networking even with a few friends or a whole class you may have some similar ideas, but of course you are going to have more different opinions on a lot of things.

•Harness your students
Mrs. Davis thinks that she should teach and learn, but also her students should teach each other. She is no longer using pen and paper in her classroom. She believes that technology actually does better for all learners. I agree with her pen and paper gets old quick and it is not for everyone. Also, I believe technology helps you not to depend on notes, but to expand you to the whole internet with many options and ways to learn. I agree with her a hundred percent.

•Who is ahead in the learning race?
I feel like the Elementary students are ahead in all areas of using technologies. It is hard to use for college students because we did not all grow up using a macbook. I have one now, and it took a while to get use to it. I believe that the earlier you start using different programs it clicks better, and it becomes very natural to you.

Flipping the Classroom
• Yes, flipping is new to me. I feel like it is an awesome thing that would be very useful to any teachers. It also will be very helpful for students. Teachers will not have to waste time with the new subject matter besides answering questions that the students may have thought about over night. I believe the students will have longer to think abut the subject matter and come up with better questions to ask to understand. I would love to be able to do this as a teacher.

•Bringing the locker room into the classroom
I believe after reading this, it helped me understand you do not have to be the perfect teacher, you just have to be the best teacher for your students. It is with me wanting to also coach two very different sports, I understand you have to be willing to coach to these athletes ay the level they can understand. I will probably have a rough first year when i am in the real world teaching, but it will be the best experience to learn from.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What about EDM 310?

After being gone for a year and changing my major, I have heard good luck with taking this class and that it will be very time consuming. I was very nervous first going to this class, but knowing two people in here makes it easier. We will be learning this together and can explain to each other, and make sure we are not lost. Being in class for only two days, has made me realize that this is not your normal college or high school class. The Problem of not knowing how to exactly how to do our homework, but having to figure it out on our own. I have never been in a class that I was expected to do something that I had not practiced. I believe to learn everything there is to know about this class, we would probably have to meet more than just twice a week. While in high school and some college classes I have always practiced before performing on a test or paper. I believe that I will just have to make sure I set aside a lot of time for this class. I also need to go to the lab to et help if I have any questions or get stumped. This class I know will help me out in the long run as an Educator. I do not think I have any other questions as of right now, but I will ask later if I end up having any.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Who am I? Why do I want to be an Educator? What does an Educator have to do in his or her practice? What are my Passions?

I am Carissa Watford, and I am from the small little town of Slocomb, Alabama. Most people either do not know where that is or they say oh the Tomato Capital, because Tomatoes are what we are known for. I attended Slocomb High School and graduated in May of 2011.My Hobbies include spending time with friends and family, competing in pageants, being a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi, supporting the Arthritis Research and Juvenile Arthritis, and volunteer with the Woodlands Scholarship Program, which is a scholarship Pageant in Alabama and in other states as well. I was a cheerleader and soccer player while in high school.My Family is a big part of my life. Being so close to them really tore me apart my Freshman year of college, because my parents moved to San Antonio, Texas which is now my second home. I was here at South Alabama attending school for two years, before returning home to help care for my grandfather who had alzheimer's disease. It was then when I realized how much family meant to me.

I chose the University of South Alabama for school after coming for a visit with my cousin who had accepted a scholarship to South Alabama. It was then that I knew where I would spend the next 4 years of my live to earn a degree, at the time which I thought would be nursing degree. I have sinse changed my major to Secondary Education in Social Science.I switched to Education because I thought it was the best fit for me. I would always tell my mom, I think I really need to be a teacher they just really do not make that much. I learned quickly it is not all about the money, it is about do you love your job and what you do for the rest of your life. I will always love teaching History to kids, because I think that history is a looked over subject sometimes. I believe that you should actually teach kids everything they need to know like my teachers in college did. It is that when we learn we do not need to let them just copy notes off the smart board, but yet learn as we go. I believe that yes dates are important, but not so important to keep up with every one of them for everything. I believe that you should cover everything and try not to step on anyones toes while doing so. It is my passion to make a difference in a child's life, because you may be there only person that pushes them to succeed in life. School could be the only place they feel loved meaning they do the best they can while there, and want to push harder because of who cares for them. I feel like you should push everyone to make sure they reach their goals they have set.


•Why I Chose Education
•How things should be taught
•Why I feel that teachers should care for their students more