Sunday, August 31, 2014

What will teaching be like in the 21st Century?

•Mr. Dancealot -
The central idea I feel like is that Mr. Dancealot does not actually teach his students since he was teaching a dance class, they should have been interacting the whole time. I feel like they should be in a ballroom the entire time learning, instead of reading out powerpoint slides. Also, it did not help students when he did the steps behind the big desk because they could not see him doing them. He never allowed them to practice to demonstrate the steps. I do not agree with him at all. I believe that all students should be interactive with their classes and not be falling asleep. If they could actually practice they would probably actually do better on their final.

•The Role of a teacher
It is Roberts that believes teaching in the 21st Century is strictly based on the technologies we have available to us. He also thinks the students to make sure they use their references, and I believe the teachers should help them by showing them how to use the different technologies. They should make sure their students understand, and can use them very easily. I do use google a lot, but there is other things I do not understand. I believe that being a future educator, it should be our job to make sure our students understand everything new we teach them. I believe in this because not all of the answers can be found on the internet.

•The Networked Student
While watching this video I realize that Wendy's proposition is the most effective way for networking by students. It is mostly about how you connect with others. People sometimes do not realize how easy it is to connect with people. It can just be the ones around you or many miles away. She uses many sources as bookmarks for later use including iTunes and Delicious. It is with these tools you see who exactly is getting effective by using these sources. I believe networking is one things that help students be more engaged in class and actually wanting to learn more. I agree with Mrs. Drexler, when you build connections it helps you with more sources that you probably did not know about. Also, when you have networking even with a few friends or a whole class you may have some similar ideas, but of course you are going to have more different opinions on a lot of things.

•Harness your students
Mrs. Davis thinks that she should teach and learn, but also her students should teach each other. She is no longer using pen and paper in her classroom. She believes that technology actually does better for all learners. I agree with her pen and paper gets old quick and it is not for everyone. Also, I believe technology helps you not to depend on notes, but to expand you to the whole internet with many options and ways to learn. I agree with her a hundred percent.

•Who is ahead in the learning race?
I feel like the Elementary students are ahead in all areas of using technologies. It is hard to use for college students because we did not all grow up using a macbook. I have one now, and it took a while to get use to it. I believe that the earlier you start using different programs it clicks better, and it becomes very natural to you.

Flipping the Classroom
• Yes, flipping is new to me. I feel like it is an awesome thing that would be very useful to any teachers. It also will be very helpful for students. Teachers will not have to waste time with the new subject matter besides answering questions that the students may have thought about over night. I believe the students will have longer to think abut the subject matter and come up with better questions to ask to understand. I would love to be able to do this as a teacher.

•Bringing the locker room into the classroom
I believe after reading this, it helped me understand you do not have to be the perfect teacher, you just have to be the best teacher for your students. It is with me wanting to also coach two very different sports, I understand you have to be willing to coach to these athletes ay the level they can understand. I will probably have a rough first year when i am in the real world teaching, but it will be the best experience to learn from.


  1. Carissa, I agree with your view on the first video. I also believe that the dance instructor should have not taught in the classroom. Students were so bored that they were falling asleep at their desk. Make sure you read your blog over before publishing. I agree with your stance on how technology is important in the classroom.

  2. Carissa,
    I agree with you that networking students will get them more involved. You also raised a good point that by connecting with other students, the class will have more opinions. It can help the students see things from multiple perspectives.

  3. Carissa,
    I agree, Elementary students are ahead in technology. I also did not grow up using a Mac book, I still do not have one now. I was not great with technology as a child. I am now getting better as an adult. Furthermore, I agree the earlier technology is taught in schools, the more natural it will be to the students.

  4. "... but there is other things I do not understand." are, not is

    Roberts: Where is your outline? From the instructions: " Create an outline of the argument made by Roberts, including the evidence and arguments made to support his thesis. "

    " should be our job to make sure our students understand everything new we teach them." What do you mean by this?

    "It is hard to use for college students because we did not all grow up using a macbook." The 3rd graders had had their MacBooks two days! You have an excuse?

    "...useful to any teachers." any teacher, not any teachers.

    "I believe the students will have longer to think abut the subject matter and come up with better questions to ask to understand." Awkward. Why not omit the last two words?

    "I understand you have to be willing to coach to these athletes ay the level they can understand. I will probably have a rough first year when i am in the real world teaching, but it will be the best experience to learn from." at, not ay; I am, not i am (typos, but proofread)
