Sunday, October 12, 2014

C4T #2

Mr. Burke Quantum Process

This blog post from Mr. Burke showed how even though he had to leave class early, he challenged his class to record each other and finish the problem. I watched the video that he shared of the class. This video showed us how much the class works together to figure out the answer. This video showed what students want to step up to the plate and learn more to do better in their classes. My comment on this blog post was that I feel that the whole video thing was a good thing. I think that if the class does this often you find out who the kids are that actually want to be there, and that want to better their learning skills. This kind of learning and recording their self will help them out in the long run because they can go back and watch it. It helps them see their mistakes they have made while working out a problem.

Mr. Burke Back to Blogging with my best class ever

He works with discussion of their work. He also makes sure that they have good reasoning for their answers and how they figured it out. He records them that way he can watch it and so can they. It helps some of them take notes that way they can better their self in his class. As you watch the video you can see that some students are not as involved as others in the class. I believe that if I was a student in this class, it would make me want to be involved with this. I think that this is an awesome idea as a teacher. It may have turned into a 80 minute discussion, but their was a reason that it went that long. I think that more teachers need to help students be engaged like this with anything they are teaching.

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